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Department of Physical Education

Department of Physical Education aims to provide a broad framework within which the physical education programmes respond to the needs of the students. The framework assists in the maintenance of physical standard and uniformity of physical education degrees as per the existing norms.

  • Physical education is not only concerned with the physical outcome that accrues from participation in physical activities but also the development of knowledge and attitude conducive to lifelong learning and participation in motor activities.
  • Refinement of motor skills.
  • To equip the students with the scientific knowledge of responses of the body to various types of exercises.
  • Maintenance of fitness for optimal health and physical well-bein.
  • Attainment of knowledge and the growth of a positive attitude toward physical activities and sports.

  • Course offered
  • BPES - Bachelor of physical education & Sports
  • MPES - Masters of physical education & Sports
  • Ph.D.